Emma’s Adventure in Wonderland

       I first stumbled upon this book in England’s famous British Library. I was fascinated by the cover art and I instantly recollected my childhood adoration for the Disney movie. Throughout the book we are following the famously known child protagonist, Alice, as she embarks on an adventure only a child’s imagination could create. This nostalgic tale takes us back to a time where “impossible things” were possible. I found it to be a refreshing escape from my life. AIWL allowed me to easily forget the responsibilities of adulthood, and take time to enjoy and remember a story I’ve known so well.

The further I delved into AIWL, the more I noticed how often logistical problems are intertwined within the story. For example, Alice frequently finds herself getting easily upset by various characters, all of whom seem to be questioning her knowledge. There is an appreciation for logical findings all-throughout this story. This makes it a very interesting and intellectual read, which separates it from the storyline you may have known previously. I think the problems Alice is questioned with are fun for us to think about, and question ourselves.This book makes you think about everything you think you may know about AIWL (and the world in general). It forces you into a position where you have to sit back and evaluate what has just been presented to you. When I am reading a new book, it’s these moments that I long for and which I find to be so extremely self-rewarding.  Pick up a copy of AIWL if you too love these self reflecting moments, or just want a fun nostalgic read! On that note, I’ll leave you with a quote that  I found to be particularly fantastic.

  • “If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t” -Alice

By: Emma Bone

P.S.   The British Library will be celebrating Alice in Wonderland’s 150th  year of publication woohoo! So, if you find yourself in London, England between the times of November 20th, 2015 – April 17th, 2016 stop by and check out the exhibition! For more information check out the link below.

Link to British Library 

Emma Bone