Books to Get Your Boyfriend

Justinas at a bookstall in Paris

Justinas at a bookstall in Paris

As some of you may know, grad school and work have been keeping me quite busy this past year, and I, unfortunately, have not been finding enough time or energy to get through novels. After a long day of working and doing homework, I normally just put on the TV while eating dinner and a couple of hours later I am ready to pass out. But you know who has been keeping up with their reading? My boyfriend, Justinas. He keeps a book near him at all times, and in the mornings and evenings, you can find him flipping through a few pages while I shamefully get sucked into watching home decorating tips on Instagram or TikTok. I recently asked him if he could list out some of his favorite books and he was happy to do so! I decided to call this post “Books to Get Your Boyfriend,” but we both agree these books can be great for anyone. His recommendations are a mix of different genres, so hopefully one suits your boyfriend’s taste or piques your own interest. Take a look at the books down below and leave a comment if you have read any of them.

For the fiction reader:

The Night in Lisbon

Erich Maria Remarque


Set against the backdrop of WW2, the book tells a story of German refugees trying to escape the horrors of war and fascism. Full of action and romance, it is truly an immensely moving novel by one of the great 20th century writers. 

For the sports fanatic:

Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success

Hugh Delehanty and Phil Jackson


Phil Jackson, the legendary basketball coach of the 90’s Chicago Bulls and 00’s Los Angeles Lakers, outlines his non-orthodox approach to managing teams and life in general that lead him to become the most decorated NBA basketball coach in history. A little spoiler: he got Michael Jordan to meditate.

For the gamer:

The Last Wish

Andrzej Sapkowski


Before it was one of the the most successful games in history and a record-breaking Netflix TV show, The Witcher was a book series. Revisit the adventures of your favourite monster slayer for hire in a book that provides an in-depth introduction to the Witcher universe. 

For the comedian:

Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)

Jerome K. Jerome


Tired of slapstick humour on TV and wannabe TikTok comedians? This 19th century account of a boating holiday on the river Thames with the boys is a true sidesplitter. 

For the constant learner:

Thinking, Fast and Slow

Daniel Kahneman


People struggle to intuitively reason about statistics. Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Prize winner in economics, aims to answer why and provide golden nuggets of wisdom to help you limit the biases that tamper rational decision making. 

For the business founder:

Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

Blake Masters and Peter Thiel


A startup reading classic. The co-founder of PayPal and Palantir, Peter Thiel, explains why opening that restaurant you always dreamed about might not be a good idea. 

For more recommendations from Justinas, make sure to follow him on Goodreads.

Kiana Noble